This blog thrives on the everyday, the ordinary and the average.
What do I mean?
There are things that happen in all of our days that make us say to ourselves, "How cool was that! I love when that happens" or "Bummer. I hate when that happens". Often times, these thoughts seem too insignificant to tell anyone about so we tend to keep them to ourselves. But since we're all connected by these same common thoughts, why not talk about them?
Who Am I?

Name: Bryan Yasukawa
Position: Head Blogger, UCLA student
"Hi, my name's Bryan Yasukawa! I love basketball, longboarding and going on adventures. The only thing I hate is eating my vegetables. In fact, I'm pretty much an average guy, which makes me the perfect author for this blog"
The Co-Workers

Name: Selena Kuo
Nickname: SKuo
Position: Guest Blogger, Editor, UCSD student
"Hi, I'm Selena. I love dogs and chubby hamsters. I aspire to be a doctor and my socks never match"

Name: Alex Frost
Nickname: A-Fro
Position: Guest Blogger, UCLA student
"Hey, my name is Alex Frost. I am a huge sports fan and especially love my home team, the New York Yankees. In my spare time I like to play golf and listen to good music. Other than that I am just a regular guy who is always down to chill"

Name: Steve Marsiano
Nickname: Stevo
Position: Guest Blogger, UCLA student
"Hi, my name is Steve. I'm incredibly handsome. I like movies. Wink."