What Is This?
This is the machine that deprives me from some much-needed sleep and gives me headaches instead.
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you hate it when your printer cuts off what you're trying to print out and you end up with two pages: one with almost the full contents and one that only has 1/50th of the page filled up?
I could do ten different hate it's about printers alone. I've thought about chucking my printer out of my 6th floor window on more than a couple occasions. But I'll save my thoughts about those issues for a different day.
Earlier this week I needed to print out my Physics 4AL lab report at 3AM the night before it was due. And of course, there's the rule that if you leave something to the last minute, things will go wrong. Anyways, I tried fitting my Excel data tables onto one page but when I try to print, the printer cut off one column of my table (sometimes I fail to notice that there's a second page if I scroll down on my print preview). I'm left with two pages: one with almost all the columns and one with only one column. Printing multiple pages and being able to use zero is frustrating, especially at three in the morning.
With all these high-tech features on phones, cameras and computers, shouldn't printers at least have some function that checks if almost all of a second page is blank and automatically compresses the contents onto one page if it is? Or at least gives you the option to? Engineers at H.P., that means you.
so true... i've given up printing at home and just print everything at school.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you started posting again. Keep it up man.
ReplyDeleteand yes, i hate when my printer does that. piece of shit.
ReplyDeletethis is why you gotta get canon printers!
ReplyDeletei cant believe you did a post about hating printers and didnt mention Office Space
ReplyDeletedidn't see it ben! i will sometime though, i heard it was good
ReplyDeletehahaha we gotta watch it one day
ReplyDeletesneak preview: