What Is This?
The game Paper Toss, what else?
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you love it when you sink a ridiculously long Paper Toss shot? (Bonus if it's in front of five or more people)
There's a sports star inside all of us. Think about it. When you're done with a paper towel in the bathroom or finished with a piece of scratch paper at your desk, do you walk over to the trash can and place it in? Only if you're dunking that paper with authority. You know the drill: You're Lakers star Kobe Bryant, down one point. You run the 3-2-1 countdown under your breath and then let the wadded paper go from way beyond that imaginary 3-point arc. You fade to the side a little and hold the perfect follow through for extra style points. Most of the time, your shot clanks off the rim and you have to do the walk of shame across the room to clean up your miss. But sometimes you bury it. And you feel good not only because you saved yourself that extra 10 feet of walking but also because for a second, you're not a kid done drying his hands or an office worker disposing of his spreadsheet. You're a champion.
hahahah cute, i guess i know whats going through your head every time you do that. Although i gotta say theres a lot of missed ones around your trash can and i usually pick them up for you -_-
ReplyDeletei distinctly remember mrs wagner telling me about a little boy in her class, missing out on part of a "timed" practice STAR testing exam while trying to "score" a basket w/ his paper towel(s). happily, i guess some things don't change...