You know those times during the day when you say to yourself, "Damn, this sucks..." or "Wow! That was great!"? These moments seem too commonplace to mention to anyone, so we usually just keep these seemingly insignificant thoughts to ourselves. My goal is to capture these moments in a picture or video from my day and actually talk about them.
Now that you know what my blog is going to be about, I'll start with my first picture:

What Is This?
It's a shower fondly referred to as LF (Left Front) on Dykstra 6. If you live on my floor and are a little creeped out that I brought my camera into the bathroom, rest assured that no one was in there.
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you love it when you're taking a shower and a great idea develops in your head?
Showers are physically relaxing, but more importantly, they're a type of mental escape from my otherwise hectic day. Thoughts jumble my head and tend to pile up over the course of a typical day. My mind is always on where I need to go, what I need to do, and how I'm going to do it. But in the shower, great seeds of thought that never got the chance to develop during the day can blossom into wonderful ideas. My mind wanders freely when I'm showering (although my eyes do not). This shower's product: My blog, "Hate It Or Love It".
5 Other Places Where I Get Great Ideas:
1. Sitting shotgun at night in my best friend's car
2. During class, when the teacher begins to ramble on
3. In De Neve's ridiculously long lunch lines
4. Riding my longboard
5. Sitting on a toilet (Yeah, I said it. Obviously someone else had the same idea I had, check the link for your daily entertainment)
showers are my favorite, but #1 on that list is a good one, too. ever since i got my license, i started to understand why people just go for a drive when they want time to themselves
ReplyDeletehaha i like the shower idea hella know where your comin from
ReplyDeleteI'm very impressed my friend. some of the best conversations go on in the shower as well. great things, like plans for the shakeweight.