What Is This?
This is me streaming an NCAA basketball game while simultaneously trying to study math.
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you hate how hard it is to study while watching T.V.?
Today was a day of internal conflict because there were two things I could do:
A. Watch the opening round of March Madness
B. Study for my Math 32A final
Naturally, being the ambitious person that I am, I figured I'd try to do both because they're both pretty (equally?) important. So I sat myself down at a desk with my laptop streaming an NCAA game and my Calculus textbook opened in my lap. After an hour passed, I learned something very important. And it had nothing to do with math.
THIS WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Trying to study with the T.V. on is just a huge waste of time. Don't try this. It's a horrible study habit. Especially when your final is the next day. (This rule applies to Facebook too, you Facebook mongers, so power down or deactivate your Facebook for Finals Week!)
Looks like the general trend for these Finals Week Series Hate It Or Love Its has been this: focus on one thing and stick to it. Multi-tasking and studying for finals do not mix. Anyways, one last final tomorrow and it's back home to the Bay Area for some quality R&R. Can't wait; all these Hate Its during Finals Week kind of make me depressed.
I'll have a separate Hate It Or Love It specially designated to March Madness coming soon, so check back.
yay for almost being done,
see you soon, if i ever make it out of here alive