What's up. This is Steve, Bryan's friend and D6 (represent) floormate. Another finals themed post? I think so.

What Is This?
This is my book for poetry class: The Norton Anthology of Poetry (NAP).
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you love it when the one thing you actually studied shows up on your final?
We've all been in the same crunch. The same, "oh wow. my final is tomorrow" crunch. And at that moment, for some reason, we cling to one piece of trivial information. Be it a physics equation, pituitary gland function, or single poem, we recite it over and over again, saying "at least I know something!" Then of course, after a short night's sleep, we are faced with the test itself. Nine times out of ten, that one thing we know isn't even mentioned on the test. But for me, the rare occured. The one poem I knew in and out showed up on my test and I dissected it like a fiend. It was great.
So hopefully you too had some piece of random information bouncing around in your head that ended up answering a question for you. If not, well there's always next quarter. Good luck with your finals!

yay! good luck stevo [and bryan] on all your finals!