Ah, Dead Week is here. A week of social isolation, unkempt facial hair and questionable hygiene. Starting today, I'm going to be doing a Hate It Or Love It Finals Series through the end of Finals Week. Warning: be prepared to see mostly hate its this week. But hey, as Selena posted yesterday, the struggles will make Spring Break all the better.

What Is This?
This is a picture of my cell phone alarm clock, waking me up for my first class of the day.
Hate It Or Love It?
Don't you hate it when you wake up to your alarm, start to get out of bed, turn off your alarm, decide to just put your head down for one more minute and fall asleep for way longer than you expect?
It starts with finals studying. Most Finals Week hate its do. For the past couple days, I've been up 'til 3AM reviewing algorithms and data structures (what fun!) for my computer science final. And each morning, I wake up, turn off my alarm and decide to rest for just one more minute. One minute couldn't hurt, right? But as soon as my head hits the pillow it's lights out again and this time with no alarm to wake me up. When I eventually do wake up on my own, I immediately get that sinking feeling. I don't even need to look at my cell phone clock to know that I've missed physics lecture. Great. Now I have to read about angular momentum in my physics textbook along with more computer science tonight just to catch up. Then go to sleep and repeat. What a vicious cycle.
Welcome to Finals Week, my quarter system friends. We're in for the long haul.
what a coincidence, bryan tran and i both overslept today